Privacy Policy

1. Handling personal information
When handling personal information, FJ. Hotels Co., Ltd. (gFJHh) will comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information(gActh) and other laws and regulations (gLawsh) as well as adhere to this privacy policy.

2. Acquiring personal information
FJH will acquire personal information via the following methods:
(1)	by directly asking its owner in person, in writing, etc. to provide it;
(2)	by acquiring information that is automatically transmitted when the owner uses or views one of FJHfs services etc. (products, marketing, content, etc.);
(3)	by receiving it indirectly from a third party that has the ownerfs consent; and
(4)	by acquiring personal information that has been disclosed in a publication, on the Internet, etc.
FJH may sometimes acquire browser histories, location histories, and other analysis results that were collected from the attribute information (IP addresses, identifiers, location information, etc.) in cookies etc. via data-management platforms etc. operated by a FJH service or a third party, then link that data to the personal information of customers and use it for the purposes of marketing etc. Even in such cases, FJH will strive to handle that personal information in accordance with this privacy policy.

3. Purpose of Use for Personal Information
FJH will use personal information for the following purposes and to execute the sales activities and contracts required for the business it conducts (please refer to our company overview).
(1)	To recommend our products, services, etc. as well as to contact customers when necessary, such as in the following examples.
ESo that customers can reserve, apply for, use, or purchase hotel rooms, banquet halls, restaurants, fitness clubs, other facilities, and other products or services offered by FJH
ESo that customers can enter into a contract for a real-estate property that FJH operate or manage
ETo ascertain, implement, or send notifications regarding construction or other work within facilities that are operated or managed by FJH as well as to determine the identity of facility visitors, to conduct monitoring and security, to prevent disasters, to maintain order in the facility, to provide various types of information, to contact individuals, etc.
ETo fulfill obligations, exercise rights, or take any steps that accompany those actions
ETo offer comprehensive our services and products related to the administration of various membersf associations etc., procedures related to member enrollment, data registration, management, point services, etc.
ETo respond to customerfs inquiries or requests for information
(2)	To recommend our products, services, etc. as well as to contact customers when necessary, such as in the following examples.
ETo mail announcements, published material, etc. about the available products, services, various events, seminars, campaigns, etc. of FJH or affiliates of parent company FJH 
ETo host events that the facilities operated or managed by FJH
ESo that customers can enter various prize competitions etc.
(3)	To plan, develop, improve, research, or analyze our products, services, etc., such as in the following examples.
ETo obtain the opinions or impressions of customers for market research or to develop or improve our products, services, etc.
(4)	Other
Includes the example uses below.
ETo screen prospective employees, provide them with information, contact them, etc. during the hiring process
EWhen there is a need to contact for some other reason

4. Personal Information jointly utilized
FJH may sometimes jointly use the personal information provided by customers etc. as follows.
(1)	Items of personal information eligible for joint use
Company names, assigned departments, job titles, addresses, names, ages, birth dates, contact details, and other personal information provided by customers
(2)	Scope of entities that jointly use information
‡@	Affiliates of parent company FJH (This information is subject to change due to the establishment, reorganization, transfer of stock, etc. of an existing affiliate. The primary affiliate companies can be found at the link below.
‡A	Entities that FJH has a business partnership agreement with
‡B	Entities from which FJH has accepted an order as well as contractors that FJH has entrusted with work
‡C	Entities that lease facilities operated or managed by FJH or that operate a location in such facilities
(3)	Purpose of Use for Users.
The joint users noted above will use personal information for purposes listed in section 3 above as well as to execute the sales activities and contracts required for the business conducted.
(4)	For managing personal information jointly utilized: address and Name of responsible party as well as the names of their representatives for the management of personal information jointly utilized.
1-2-25 Sumiyoshi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka-shi, 812-0018@
FJ. Hotels Co., Ltd.@
Ayumi Nakashima, Representative Director
For where to submit inquiries, please refer section 8 below.

5. Providing Personal Information to a Third Party
FJH will not provide personal information to a third party unless its disclosure is requested based on laws or regulations; the owners of the information have provided its consent; FJH has outsourced the handling of personal information with the scope needed to achieve the purposes of use stated above; or providing the information is mandated by law. When outsourcing the handling of personal information, FJH will thoroughly investigate that third party beforehand and then appropriately monitor them to ensure confidentiality is maintained.

6. Safety-Control Measures
FJH will safely manage and maintain the accuracy of the personal information it acquires.
Also, FJH will monitor its officers and employees as well as any contractors (collectively, gEmployeesh) as necessary and appropriate and establish suitable data-management measures to prevent the loss, destruction, falsification, or unintended disclosure of personal information.
(1)	Creating a privacy policy
This privacy policy was created to ensure the proper handling of personal information.
(2)	Creation of rules related to the handling of personal information
FJH has established internal rules covering the acquisition, use, storage, provision, deletion, and destruction of personal information as well as the supervisors and parties responsible for that information and their duties.
(3)	Organizational safety-control measures
‡@	In addition to assigning supervisors and custodians for the handling of personal information, FJH will clearly define the Employees that handle such information and the scope of that handling. FJH will also establish a system for contacting or reporting to a supervisor or custodian if there is evidence or signs that the Act or any Personal-Information Protection Regulations have been violated.
‡A	In addition to periodically conducting self-assessments of how personal information is being handled, FJH will perform audits through its Administrative Management Department and appropriately review and improve its measures related to the handling and safety control of personal information.
(4)	Personnel safety-control measures
‡@	FJH provides training to its officers and employees on the things to keep in mind when handling personal information.
‡A	Matters related to maintaining the confidentiality of personal information are described in the work regulations.
(5)	Physical safety-control measures
‡@	In addition to controlling access to areas where personal information is handled, FJH has taken steps to prevent unauthorized individuals from viewing that information.
‡A	In addition to establishing measures for preventing the theft or loss, etc of devices, electronic media, documents, etc. used to handle personal information, FJH has taken steps so that personal information cannot easily be used to identify its owner if those devices, media, etc. are removed from the premises.
(6)	Technical safety-control measures
‡@	FJH has implemented access controls and restricted the scope of users and the databases they use to handle personal information, etc.
‡A	FJH has deployed a framework that safeguards the IT systems handling personal information from unauthorized access and malicious software originating from the outside world.
(7)	Understanding the external environment
If personal information is stored or managed within cloud services located on servers in a foreign country, or if personal information will otherwise be handled in a foreign country, FJH will take the necessary and appropriate steps to ensure compliance with that nationfs legal system.
ĤWith some cloud services, the country in which the personal information is stored cannot be identified because the datafs storage location has not been publicly disclosed.

7. Requesting the Disclosure etc. of Stored Personal Information
(1)	Inquiry Office
Contact information (the gInquiry Officeh) for requesting to be notified about the purpose of use of stored personal information, for requesting the disclosure or amendment etc. (revision, addition, or deletion) of stored personal information, or for requesting the cessation of use etc. (either not used or deleted) or cessation of provision to a third party (those requests collectively, gDisclosureh) can be found in section 8.
(2)	Documents which should be submitted when there is a Disclosure request; Other ways of requesting Disclosure
‡@	Requests from the owner for Disclosure
If the request for Disclosure is being submitted by the owner of the information, please obtain a prescribed Disclosure Request Form from the Inquiry Office, fully complete the form by entering the necessary items, then send it via registered mail to the address specified by the Inquiry Office along with the documents required for identity verification. If the request pertains to amendment etc., cessation of use, or cessation of provision to a third party (collectively, gRevision Requestsh), please include documentation that indicates why the Revision Requests was requested in addition to the above documents.
‡A	Requests from a representative for Disclosure
If the request for Disclosure is being submitted by a minor, adult ward, statutory representative, or some other agent authorized by the owner of the information, then in addition to the documents in ‡@, please obtain the prescribed documentation from the Inquiry Office, fully complete it by entering the necessary items, then send it via registered mail to the address specified by the Inquiry Office along with the documents required for verifying the agentfs identity.
(3)	Processing fees related to disclosure and purpose-of-use notifications as well as their collection method
For each request, please send \1,100 (includes consumption tax) via bank transfer to the account specified by the Inquiry Office. FJH will contact you if the submitted processing fee is insufficient or its transfer cannot be verified. However, the request will be treated as null and void if the correct payment is not made within the specified period.
(4)	Response methods
‡@	If a response will be provided
Except where mandated by law, FJH will respond in writing to Disclosure requests by mailing a letter (which must be signed by the addressee upon delivery) to the address listed by the owner or their agent in the Addressee field of the Form for the Disclosure for Personal Information.
‡A	If no response will be provided to a request for the disclosure of stored personal information or notification of its purpose of use
All or a portion of the items for disclosure will be withheld in the following cases. If a decision is made not to disclose, FJH will inform the requester of that reason. The stipulated processing fee must be paid even in the case of non-disclosure.
(ú@) if the life, health, property, or other rights or benefits of the owner or a third party are in danger of being harmed
(úA) if there is a danger of creating considerable difficulties in the proper execution of FJHfs business
(úB) if FJH is required to cooperate so that the legally mandated work of government agencies or local public entity can take place, and notifying the owner of the purpose of use or publicizing it may obstruct the execution of that work (does not apply when disclosing the stored personal information only)
(úC) if doing so would violate laws or regulations other than the Act (does not apply to purpose of use notifications)     
(úD) if the requester cannot be verified as the owner
(úDi) if the agentfs authority of representation cannot be verified
‡B	If no response will be provided to a request for Revision, the cessation of usage, or the cessation of provision to a third party.
In the following cases, no response will be provided regarding all or a portion of the personal information associated with the request for Revision, cessation of usage, or cessation of provision to a third party. If the decision is made to not respond to a request for the amendment etc., the cessation of usage, or the cessation of provision to a third party, FJH will inform the requester of the reason.
(i) if the requester cannot be verified as the owner
(ii) if the agentfs authority of representation cannot be verified
(úB) if the reason for the request for the amendment etc., the cessation of usage, or the cessation of provision to a third party cannot be validated
(úC) if details are missing from the application
(5)	Purpose of use of personal information acquired in relation to Disclosure requests
FJH will use personal information that is acquired in relation to Disclosure requests for the sole purpose of responding to claims for Disclosure based on the Act.

8. Contact Details for Inquiries and Complaints
Office: FJ. Hotels
Administrative Management Department c/o: Personal Information
Telephone: 092-282-3211
Operating Hours: Weekdays 9:30–17:00 (excluding the New Year's Holiday)

9. Miscellaneous
FJH may change all or a portion of the information in this privacy policy. If a change is made, FJH will provide notice on its website or other location.

(Revised  September 1 , 2023)

1-2-82 Sumiyoshi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka-shi
FJ. Hotels Co., Ltd.
Ayumi Nakashima, Representative Director

yFor Guests from European Economic Area (hereinafter called "EEA")z

1. Lawful basis for processing personal information
FJH protects your personal information by ensuring that it can only be used to the extent necessary for specific purposes and by requiring that there is a lawful basis for EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter called gGDPRh). FJH may process your personal information on one or more of the following lawful bases. ePersonal informationf means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (edata subjectf); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person:
i1j	When your consent is obtained to the processing (Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR)
i2j	When processing is necessary in order to perform or take steps to enter into a contract (Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR).
i3j	FJH needs to process the information to comply with a lawful obligation (Article 6 (1)(c) of the GDPR).
i4j	The information is required to protect your, or a third partyfs, vital interests (Article 6(1)(d) of the GDPR), for example in the event of a medical emergency.
i5j	It is in FJHfs or a third partyfs legitimate interests to process the personal information, and these interests are not overridden by your rights under the GDPR (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR).

2. We encourage you to read this privacy policy carefully. If you do not wish your personal information to be used by us as set out in this privacy policy, please do not provide us with your personal information. Please note that in such a case, we may not be able to provide you with our services, you may not have access to and/or be able to use some features of this website, and your customer experience may be impacted.

3. Legal Rights provided by the GDPR
In accordance with the GDPR, the following legal rights are provided with:
(1)	Request for disclosure:
You can request copies of your personal information and details of how FJH processes it.
(2)	Request for correction or updating:
Corrections or updates to personal information will be undertaken wherever possible after due review of the request.
(3)	Request for erasure:
You may request that FJH deletes all or part of personal information FJH holds about you. FJH will consider your request and, where the information is no longer required or the law does not permit FJH to continue to retain it, FJH will delete it.
(4)	Transferring your personal information:
You can request a copy of your personal information in a structured, common, machine-readable format. This only applies to personal information which FJH obtains from you and process on the basis of your consent or in order to perform a contract, and which is processed by automated means.
(5)	Objecting to processing:
You can object to processing which is carried out on the basis of FJH's or a third partyfs legitimate interests or for the purpose of direct marketing. FJH will stop processing your information unless FJH has a strong reason to continue which overrides your objection. If your objection is to direct marketing, FJH will always stop.
(6)	Restricting how your personal information is processed:
You can limit how FJH processes your personal information in certain circumstances. Where this applies, any processing of your personal information (other than storing it) will only be lawful with your consent or where required for legal claims, protecting certain rights or important public interest reasons.
(7)	The right to withdraw consent:
If FJH is relying on your consent to process your personal information, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time.
Please be noted that the rights set out above are not absolute and do not apply in every situation. There are also legal exemptions which apply in some situations and mean a request may be refused.

4. Where your personal information is stored and transferred
FJH is located in Japan and almost all of the service providers and other organizations with whom FJH shares your personal information will be located in jurisdictions outside the EEA. It should be noted that Japan has been recognized by the European Commission as providing adequate protection for personal information.
When transferring personal information to third parties FJH will ensure that it complies with the requirements of the GDPR, including the onward transfer requirements of the EU-Japan adequacy decision and related Japanese laws. However, you should be aware that recipients outside the EEA may be subject to national laws which do not necessarily provide equivalent protection for your personal information.

5. Retention of personal information
FJH retains your personal information until the purpose of use is achieved.

6. Lodging a complaint with an authority
You have the right to lodge a complaint on the processing of personal information with the data protection authority having jurisdiction over your residence.