Plan List

ChildA aged 7 to 12 : with meal same as adult, with clothes
ChildB aged 3 to 6 : with meal for children, with clothes
ChildC without meal, with clothes
ChildD aged 3 to 5 : without meal and clothes
facility rental fee : \2,200
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【JPY1,000 OFF】Buffet Dinner with Hida Beef Dish【Half Board】

Buffet (Dinner)
Buffet (Dinner)
Buffet (Dinner) GREEN COURT(Dinner) Onsen Souvenir shop Hida Bussankan
We will offer the rooms with JPY1,000 off .

Buffet at Dining Marche "GREEN COURT"

GREEN COURT:Japanese, Western and Chinese combined buffet restaurant under the theme "local production for local consumption"
Open: 5:00pm to 9:30pm (9:00pm L.O.)
*Start time choice 5:30pm or 7:30pm (request depends on availability)
*Limited time:90 minutes
*Hida beef dish 1 dish per person

Open 7:00am / Close 9:30am
Available Term Apr 1 2023 to Mar 31 2025
Plans Includes dinner & breakfast
Payment Method Online payments by credit card.

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