Dormy inn

Dormy Inn Oita Natural Hot Spring   Plan List

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【001】Standard Stay Plan (No Meals)

ホテル外観 ■女性露天風呂・シルキー壺風呂 ■男女サウナ ((TV付))  ※深夜1:00〜5:00停止 ■客室内シャワーブース ◆ドーミーイン名物【夜鳴きそば】

       Recommended Standard Plan
The simple rate covers the room only.
We eagerly await your reservation.

[Information on accommodation tax and bathing tax]
When you stay at our hotel, you will be charged separately from the accommodation fee at the time of check-in.
Please note that when you make a reservation online, the accommodation tax and bathing tax are not included in the price.

Plans Room Only
Payment Method on-site payment.
Online payments by credit card.
Points grants rate : 3 %
* To give/use d POINTs, you must conduct “d ACCOUNT link” from Member’s My Page. Details on how to link an account can be found here.
(in Japanese only).

【002】Standard Stay Plan (Breakfast Included)

ホテル外観 季節のおもてなし重 温泉大浴場(イメージ) ■男女サウナ ((TV付))  ※深夜1:00〜5:00停止 ◆ドーミーイン名物【夜鳴きそば】

Recommended Standard Plan
A delicious breakfast is included.
We eagerly await your reservation.

[Information on accommodation tax and bathing tax]
When you stay at our hotel, you will be charged separately from the accommodation fee at the time of check-in.
Please note that when you make a reservation online, the accommodation tax and bathing tax are not included in the price.

Plans Includes breakfast
Payment Method on-site payment.
Online payments by credit card.
Points grants rate : 3 %
* To give/use d POINTs, you must conduct “d ACCOUNT link” from Member’s My Page. Details on how to link an account can be found here.
(in Japanese only).

【003】Standad Consecutive Stay Plan without Breakfast (2〜3 nights) No Room Cleaning Service

■女性シルキー壺風呂(41〜42℃) ■脱衣所ロッカー(男27個・女24個設置♪) ◆ドーミーイン名物【夜鳴きそば】 ■部屋着 サイズはMから3Lまでをご用意しております♪

                Recommended Standard Plan
  The simple rate covers the room only with no room cleaning service.
             Extra towels are provided upon request.
              We eagerly await your reservation.

Plans Room Only
Payment Method on-site payment.
Online payments by credit card.
Points grants rate : 3 %
* To give/use d POINTs, you must conduct “d ACCOUNT link” from Member’s My Page. Details on how to link an account can be found here.
(in Japanese only).

【004】Standad Consecutive Stay Plan with Breakfast (2〜3 nights) No Room Cleaning Service

季節のおもてなし重 ■男性水風呂・内湯(夜) ■男女サウナ ((TV付))  ※深夜1:00〜5:00停止 ◆ドーミーイン名物【夜鳴きそば】

Recommended Standard Plan
A delicious breakfast is included with no room cleaning service. Extra towels are provide upon request.
We eagerly await your reservation.

[Information on accommodation tax and bathing tax]
When you stay at our hotel, you will be charged separately from the accommodation fee at the time of check-in.
Please note that when you make a reservation online, the accommodation tax and bathing tax are not included in the price.

Plans Includes breakfast
Payment Method on-site payment.
Online payments by credit card.
Points grants rate : 3 %
* To give/use d POINTs, you must conduct “d ACCOUNT link” from Member’s My Page. Details on how to link an account can be found here.
(in Japanese only).

【005】Standad Consecutive Stay Plan without Breakfast (4 nights or more) No Room Cleaning Service

■男性内風呂(昼)(40〜42℃) ■女性シルキー壺風呂(41〜42℃) ◆ドーミーイン名物【夜鳴きそば】 大分マリーンパレス水族館 【うみたまご】

Recommended Standard Plan
The simple rate covers the room only with no room cleaning service.
Extra towels are provided upon request.
We eagerly await your reservation.

[Information on accommodation tax and bathing tax]
When you stay at our hotel, you will be charged separately from the accommodation fee at the time of check-in.
Please note that when you make a reservation online, the accommodation tax and bathing tax are not included in the price.

Plans Room Only
Payment Method on-site payment.
Online payments by credit card.
Points grants rate : 3 %
* To give/use d POINTs, you must conduct “d ACCOUNT link” from Member’s My Page. Details on how to link an account can be found here.
(in Japanese only).

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