南禅寺参道 菊水   Plan List

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【1 Night w/Breakfast】 Healthy Japanese-style breakfast included

【朝食】非日常を味わえるゆったりとした時間 【朝食】身体にやさしいお料理でゆっくりと身体に問いかける 庭園

Enjoy a Japanese-style breakfast under the supervision of internationally renowned Japanese cuisine restaurant Kashiwaya.
We provide the true essence of Kyoto which can be felt in everything from the cuisine to lodging.
Come and experience a truly luxurious time while enjoying the "mystique" and "art" created by the fusion of the modern art and interior design within Japanese architecture.

Available Term Jun 11 2018 to Nov 30 2024
Plans Includes breakfast

Newly opened! special price for 102 [Japanese breakfast with Donabe-gohan]

お食事(朝食) ・204 渡り廊下を越えたよりプライベートなお部屋 ・204 和の趣とモダンが融合したバスルーム
【May 2023 Newly open! Special price until 30th September】
We now special offer bigger suite room No.201 limited plan.
Available Term Jun 8 2023 to Nov 30 2024
Plans Includes breakfast

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Plans  1-2 of 2   1 |  ・・・  1 pages |