Urban Hotel Kyoto-Nijo Premium   Plan List

ChildA 0-12  years old
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Best Available Rate

大浴場(男女入れ替え制) 大浴場(男女入れ替え制)
Rate is room only.Full prepayment upon arrival.
You can feel free and enjoy your travel without limit of time for meals or schedules.

【For the guests with children 】
Up to one child per bed will be free of charge for co-sleeping.
There are no extra beds, so please be aware of the number of beds and bed width when making a reservation.

Plans Room Only

Breakfast Package

こだわりの手づくりビュッフェ朝食 こだわりの手づくりビュッフェ朝食 大浴場(男女入れ替え制) こだわりの手づくりビュッフェ朝食
We serve buffet style breakfast.
It has 65 different selections including Japanese menus such as obanzai or chirashi bowls as well as western menus such as fresh baked bread or scrambled eggs.

Time for serving: 6:30~10:00

【For the guests with children 】
Up to one child per bed will be free of charge for co-sleeping.
There are no extra beds, so please be aware of the number of beds and bed width when making a reservation.
Breakfast and amenities for co-sleeping children is not included in the price.

Plans Includes breakfast

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Plans  1-2 of 2   1 |  ・・・  1 pages |